Exciting things are happening and you should know what is really going on
There has been a lot of chatter this past week around the PARTNERSHIP between Houlihan Lawrence and Kelly Associates. It’s not surprising that Chris Fountain pipped in on all the excitement as well. So much speculation about the details of this merger might have you thinking…..well, keep thinking, and watching the leadership we bring to the real estate business.
Like Kelly Associates, Houlihan Lawrence is a family run business. Siblings Nancy Seaman, Chris Meyers and Stephen Meyers are the engine behind this top Westchester firm. After watching what HL has accomplished in Greenwich in the last year, the two families, after years of a close friendship, decided to join forces. The top Westchester firm, on its way to being the number one firm in Greenwich, aligning with the top Darien firm…it makes all the sense in the world. This is a merger, not a “buy-out”. Jeff Kelly continues to be at the helm, and our infrastructure will strengthen, something that is hard to grow as a small independent. Kelly will gain the marketing platform and global reach that Houlihan Lawrence can provide. After the dust settles, you will find that we are still the firm that remains focused on the local market, understanding life in the northern suburbs of New York City better than anyone, while keeping our hands on the pulse of what is nothing less than a global real estate market.
Kelly Associates has been a wonderful place to work, and the two of us wouldn’t be anywhere else. When we started this blog, which was “ground breaking” out here in the provinces of Darien, the Kelly family not only supported it, they embraced it. FINALLY, agents were thinking “outside of the box”. When a firm in town (hmmmmm, which one could that be) sent us a ‘cease and desist’ letter (some would say you have not made it until you have been delivered your first) Kelly supported and encouraged us further. In this business you cannot grow and succeed without taking risks. You have to innovate and change with the times. What is happening here is exactly that, so why wouldn’t we embrace it! This is about real professionals leading the way in real estate and staying on top.
This is going to be a great year. Our business continues to grow and Real in Darien is reaching new heights. We are proud to continue working with the Kelly family and be a part of our new “mothership” Houlihan Lawrence.
If you are currently working with another broker, this is not a solicitation.