Celerie Kemble

Dramatic entry from Celerie Kemble's "Black & White (and a bit in between)"


Don’t let a fear of being tacky render you tasteless” Celerie Kemble reminds us. Her confidence and creativity in her projects show us all that you must bring adventure into the process of making the house you buy your home.  The bold pineapple wallpaper she pairs with a red glossy door in the front entry above  is a wonderful example of that.  For more fabulous ideas and inspiration be sure to buy both books (TO YOUR TASTE and Black & White) and check out her site at

We applaud Celerie for encouraging us to take risks without fearing the consequences and thank her so much for the inspiration for this blog (and especially the pineapple).   Surround yourselves with the things you love because that is what will make your house the home you have always dreamed of.

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